News from Cubs
Dear parents, grandparents, and friends,
Many greetings from the Cub class!
We hope you all had an amazing week, and we are here to welcome and tell you everything about our week!
This last week we continued our topic titled “Winnie the Pooh”. It was a fun and exciting week here at Villa Luna and in the Cubs class! We got to learn everything about emotions and facial features, used our fine motor skills to glue and cut and continued our unit project- “Me and Winnie at home”.
We began the week with our magic suitcase and Winnie of course. The company is getting bigger and bigger each week. This time little Piglet came out of it, and we have to say he was a bit shy at first. Therefore, we had to make him feel comfortable and nice around us, and what is the best way to do so? A big hug and kiss of course, we are so good at that! We loved it 😊. We continued the project teaching Piglet about his emotions and how to express them. Happy and Sad is where we focused the most. Moreover, we have a new Daily Routine in the class now-The Emotional Board!
This past week all our little Cubs got to learn and make their facial features. Everyone had to use their fine motor skills to ripe the paper to make the smile out of it and glue it on. Glue was really sticky, but we do not mind it! Furthermore, we have started practicing on using scissors, it is tricky for us now to coordinate the fingers and lots of focus is needed, but it is just the beginning. Gross motor skills are important for us; therefore, we are trying to use our body on every different way and practice them- climbing, jumping, crawling and being airplanes are some of our favorites for this week. This week we did something special, we started doing some tongue exercises. These going to help on have a better and clear speech for the future.
We would like to thank all of you for the beautiful pictures we have received throughout this week with the kids and the characters at home! All of them are beautiful and kids are just excited to see them on the board and talk about it😊. We will continue sharing the characters with all the kids and in the end create our product, the big collage!
This is all for now, enjoy the pictures and have a lovely weekend!
Cub Team