News from Cubs
1.6. - 5.6 2020
Dear parents,
This has been an eventful week at Villa Luna!
Monday was International Children’s Day, so it was extra special. We reinstalled the ball pool in our classroom, and had loads of fun in it, as you can see! We also had a picnic in our garden together with some other activities, and we loved the chance to have fun with some our older friends from the other groups.
This week, we also participated in a fire drill at Avenir. We knew about it in advance of course, and everything was managed very well and calmly. It was an extra fun excursion for our children, and something new and interesting. :-)
We’ve been continuing learning about Bugs, which is our topic. But this week, we also added some other natural facts to our science knowledge, as we were very interested in examining the strawberry plants planted by the Villa Luna gardening club. We might get to eat some soon!
Even at our young age, we have been focusing on creating friendships with friends in our own class, and also from other classes. We love learning from our older friends, but we are also learning how to be good friends to each other, to share and cooperate.
We hope your week has been as pleasant as ours, and we look forward to the next one.
Have a great weekend!
Your Cubs