News from Bunnies
6.9.-10.9. 2021
Dear parents, grandparents, and friends, greetings from the Bunnies Group!
This week we focused on „Winnie the Pooh“. We kept repeating our daily routine in our class and we went around the classroom to see where each toy belongs. Pictograms are really helpful. During this week, we made our own „Winnie the Pooh“. Let’s take a look at what we did!
Firstly, we started with reading the story about „Winnie the Pooh“ and his sleeping hat. The children loved it! So after this story we went to the park trying to find „Winnie the Pooh“. But, what happend? We found a red t-shirt. We kept it and we agreed that we will try to find Winnie the next day again.
The next day we read the story about „Winnie the Pooh“ and his honey. So where is the honey?! We decided to go to the park again and try to find Winnie, or maybe honey?! Who knoooows.. And we found honey! We thought „Winnie the Pooh“ had a picnic there and he forgot his honey in the park.
On Thursday we went for an adventure again because we still didn’t find Winnie. And guess what? We finally found him! So we took our new friend Winnie to visit our kindergarden and show him our classroom. We were excited!
After that, we showed Winnie how to behave in our classroom and we started with three basic rules - walking indoors, good tidying and good sitting. Winnie was happy to learn new things and we will continue next week!
From this Friday we are going to take „Winnie the Pooh“ home. This weekend is David’s turn. Next weekend it will be another child. Let’s see who?!
We have a big amount of pictures this week - sorry for that, but we hope that you enjoy them! :)
Have a lovely weekend and see you next week!
Your Bunnies teachers