News from Bunnies
Dear parents, grandparents, and friends, greetings from the Bunnies Group!
This week in the Bunnies class we continued our unit titled “Me and My Body.” We learned all about hygiene and specifically how to keep our teeth nice and clean.
Having happy and clean teeth is very important to living a healthy life. One of the best ways to keep our teeth nice and clean is by brushing them! Our little Bunnies helped our big Bunny friend this week brush his teeth. Brush, brush, brush your teeth! Brush them every day!
Our little bunnies this week decided to make their very own toothbrushes out of paper and popsicle sticks. Everyone had to use their fine motor skills to cut the bristles and then glue it onto the toothbrush. We love having healthy teeth!
Next week we will continue our topic “Me and My Body.”
See you next week!
Your Bunnies Teachers