Villa Luna

Integrating and supporting children with a different mother tongue at Villa Luna
A project called "Integrating and supporting children with a different mother tongue at Villa Luna", funded by the EU, is taking place at Villa Luna.
Project title: Integrating and supporting children with a different mother tongue at Villa Luna
Project registration number: CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/18_066/0001590
Implementation period: 1.11.2019 – 30.6.2022
The project focusses on a combination of the following topics:
- Personnel support,
- Education and personal development of teaching staff,
- Professionally focused themed meetings and cooperation with parents,
- Community activities and supporting an inclusive school environment.
Project goals:
- Temporary support of a bilingual school assistant for children with a different mother tongue and the kindergarten, combined with continual work in the group.
- Supporting teachers in increasing the quality of their everyday educational work with children, with consideration to the multicultural city environment.
- Developing communication, sharing experiences and good practice with parents, with the goal of creating space for open discussion in the area of integrating children with a different mother tongue, discussions on topics connected with the issue of inclusion and the development of the democratic culture, and presenting the kindergarten in the areas of the project focus.
- Supporting a pro-inclusive environment and community at the kindergarten.
The project is funded by the EU, through the program OP Praha - pól růstu ČR.