The Experience of a Villa Luna Intern
My time at Villa Luna as a graduate in linguistics and philological sciences
Dear parents and guests of Villa Luna, my name is Alessandra and I am an Italian expat currently living in Estonia. I would like to share my experience in Villa Luna as a graduate in Linguistics and an expert of multilingualism with you.
What I could see in this beautiful time I spent here is that this facility noticeably increases not only the children’s general and linguistic abilities, but it also lays foundations for life in a nowadays globalized and continuously changing world. I could see how the highly competent Villa Luna personnel works on making the kids independent not only in practical matters, but also in their opinions and (multilingual) thinking. The children are stimulated with different outdoor and indoor activities, fully immerged in a loving bilingual environment. And those are really some important points not to be underestimated because:
1) Orientation in time and space happens here thanks to different language systems, which significantly contributes to the well-rounded development of the cognitive system of the children.
2) The emotions and good feeling that the children receive in the kindergarten, but first and foremost all the love, care and attention that the amazing teachers give to them stimulate a natural and deep acquisition of the language. Family environment here definitely plays an important role. It’s not a coincidence that when talking about our first language, we call it our “mother tongue”!