News from Cubs
Week 31.8.-4.9.
Dear parents, grand parents and friends,
The Cubs Group would like to welcome you, for another time, to a fresh new school year! We are all so happy to be back and to welcome our new friends here.
This week has been all about getting to know each other, our teachers and of course our classroom with all the fun new toys that are now on the shelves. We really having a blast playing with them! Moreover, we have been practising on learning our daily routine here at school, through songs and other activities. We are getting better and better!
Our Project Theme for this month it’s “ The Rainbow Fish”. It is about a beautiful fish that didn’t want to share his sparkly scales with the other fish in the ocean and in the end noone wanted to play with him. During our Circle Times we’ve been reading the book about it, showing pictures of the fish, octopus, starfish. We are also learning how to share them with other friends and to recognize them in our classroom. Making our own fish and putting glitters on it was more than exciting! Furthermore, we went fishing as well and did activities with the kinetic sand in the afternoon.
The autum is just arround the corner, so our little ones have been spending a lot of time outside getting the last shine rays. We went for walks, exploring the nature and played in the garden. We finished the week spending the whole Friday morning at the gym, singing, dancing and playing many many games.
Next week we will continue practising on everything we learnt and having more and more fun!
Have a nice weekend and see you next week.
Your Cubs Teacher