News from Cubs
Week 20.7. - 24.7.2020
Dear parents,
Another warm and pleasant summer week has passed, and we’re sharing some photos with you, so you can see what we got up to this week.
We spent a lot of time outside – as it’s important to spend time in fresh air and move around a lot, and the weather has thankfully been very pleasant. We love our misty shower in the garden, and we were even trying to catch a rainbow that it created :-) We’ve also been caring for the plants in our garden and watering them. It’s fun and refreshing, as well as teaching us responsibility.
We went on a longer walk to the nearby sports area too – and we had a great time running around, exercising and using up a lot of our energy (we sure slept well that day! :-)).
Two birthday celebrations happened in our group this week, so it was almost like a week-long Indian pow-wow :-) Spending time together, eating good food and playing games with our friends, while making plenty of noise, is what we like best!
We also helped our Bunny friends make some Indian beaded necklaces from dyed pasta, too. It was a little tricky, but really good practice for our fine motor skills.
Have a great weekend, and see you next week!
Your Cubs