Villa Luna
Many greetings from the Cub class!
Another week has passed and we are happy to share with you our news.
This week has been exciting and fun, learning more about water and the use of it. We found out that we can also have fun games with it and also spoke about growing a plant.
We started this week with lots of music and rhythm games. Songs, rhymes and music in general, are not only a great way to enrich our vocabulary but also important to improve the articulation of the words.
The journey with Julia the water drop took us into learning how to grow a plant this time. Before we actually plant our own we had a look on pictures and see what ingredients we need for it. We learned that soil, water and sun are really important. We have been exploring as well the temperature of the water. Do you prefer hot or cold water? This was extra fun to find out, especially when there’re bubbles involved 😃. After it we all tried to blow bubbles on paper. Some of them looked like water drops 💧
This is all for now. Next week we will continue our water project and focus more on Easter 🐣
Have a great weekend,
Cub Team

News from Cubs
Dear parents, grandparents and friends,Many greetings from the Cub class!
Another week has passed and we are happy to share with you our news.
This week has been exciting and fun, learning more about water and the use of it. We found out that we can also have fun games with it and also spoke about growing a plant.
We started this week with lots of music and rhythm games. Songs, rhymes and music in general, are not only a great way to enrich our vocabulary but also important to improve the articulation of the words.
The journey with Julia the water drop took us into learning how to grow a plant this time. Before we actually plant our own we had a look on pictures and see what ingredients we need for it. We learned that soil, water and sun are really important. We have been exploring as well the temperature of the water. Do you prefer hot or cold water? This was extra fun to find out, especially when there’re bubbles involved 😃. After it we all tried to blow bubbles on paper. Some of them looked like water drops 💧
This is all for now. Next week we will continue our water project and focus more on Easter 🐣
Have a great weekend,
Cub Team